academic juridical personの例文
corporate juridical person
On the property right of the corporate juridical person A discussion on management structure of corporate juridical person Corporate juridical person personality denial system and applicat......

juridical person
Persons are physical persons or juridical persons. Such persons may include individuals, corporations, partnerships, trusts, estates, and other juridical persons. As of March 2005, under t......

pass from person to person
The virus is airborne and can pass from person to person with ease. But even when infection sets in, the disease cannot pass from person to person. Once airborne, it would pass from person......

person - to - person
For this was person-to-person music-making. Yet such confrontations demand intimate person-to-person contact. It cannot be spread by person-to-person contact. Field publicity was employed ......

person - to - person call
Instead, she drove to the company office in Wilmington and served as an operator, helping connect person-to-person calls. The PUC also granted Pac Bell the right to raise rates on person-t......

person against person
:Suppose the available technology is such that they can only go person against person, that each individual fight is until death of one of the two, and that the members of the A group are ......

person to person
Tendon length varies in all major groups and from person to person. The virus is not contagious from person to person, health officials emphasized. These water striders have bacteria that ......

person to person communication
Rajeev Chandrasekhar suggested the 66A should only apply to person to person communication pointing to a similar section under the Indian Post Office Act, 1898. If the station is not atten......

person-person auction site
Person - person auction site

person-to-person call
Can i fix an overseas call to london by person - to - person call I would like to place a person - to - person call I ' d like to make a person - to - person call to beijing , china 439 ca......

person-to-person communication
Although it verges on simplification it is the computer augmentation ( typically through groupware ) of person - to - person communications resulting in the development of new knowledge In......

doctor of juridical science
In 1998, she earned the degree of Doctor of Juridical Science. In 1960, the university awarded the first Doctor of Juridical Science degree in Taiwan. He completed his Doctor of Juridical ......

international juridical association
According to HUAC, the International Juridical Association ( IJA ) formed in 1931 and " cooperated closely " with the ILD. The files also list Marshall's membership in supposed subversive ......

But I am at the disposal of the Belgian juridical authorities. First, the policy itself does not have a juridical basis. I understand the reservations if they are based on juridical proble......

juridical association
The files also list Marshall's membership in supposed subversive groups, such as the National Lawyers Guild and the International Juridical Association. According to HUAC, the Internationa......

juridical business
Although " Kol Nidrei " is printed in every prayerbook for Yom Kippur, and it is commonly thought of as being the beginning of Yom Kippur, technically speaking it must be performed the com......

juridical commission
The juridical commission thinks this isn't a legal matter, but the matter isn't closed ." "The juridical commission didn't consider it very long and was not inclined to recommend anything ......

juridical day
Literally, dies non ( juridicus ) is " a not juridical day ".

juridical days
Literally, dies non ( juridicus ) is " a not juridical day ".

juridical divorce
As to divorce , both places practice the system of consensual divorce and procedural divorce , while the prerequisites and the procedures in consensual divorce and the legal reasons in jur......

juridical entity
SDFI was created on January 1, 1985, as a separate juridical entity managed by Statoil. She is calling for a constitutional amendment . . . in order to bring about the Bangsamoro Juridical......

juridical organ
To reflect in the constitution neutral and democratic state status formed on the base of peace and cooperation with other countries according to UNO猬 " ! s charter . 3 ) to cansel despotic......

juridical organization
In its centre lies the Obelisk of Lions ( 1834 ), a tall obelisk dedicated to Regulamentul Organic, the first law on political, administrative and juridical organization in the Romanian Pr......

juridical personality
It is identical to the OFS . It has its own juridical personality within the Church. Juridical personality allows a religious group to apply for all tax benefits available to nonprofit org......

juridical practice
The adaptation of law to new needs was given over to juridical practice, to magistrates, and especially to the praetors. It follows the juridical practice of requiring three men as a tribu......